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Jobtex is allowing us to go through a large number of candidates with internal limited resources. We are able to do a first screening of candidates so much easier than if we had to meet everyone. We can truly identify and assess a talent pool more efficiently and have our talent ready to start in their new role faster.

Pete Jones
Head of Marketing Build

Jobtex is allowing us to go through a large number of candidates with internal limited resources. We are able to do a first screening of candidates so much easier than if we had to meet everyone. We can truly identify and assess a talent pool more efficiently and have our talent ready to start in their new role faster.

Pete Jones
Head of Marketing Build

Jobtex is allowing us to go through a large number of candidates with internal limited resources. We are able to do a first screening of candidates so much easier than if we had to meet everyone. We can truly identify and assess a talent pool more efficiently and have our talent ready to start in their new role faster.

Pete Jones
Head of Marketing Build

Jobtex is allowing us to go through a large number of candidates with internal limited resources. We are able to do a first screening of candidates so much easier than if we had to meet everyone. We can truly identify and assess a talent pool more efficiently and have our talent ready to start in their new role faster.

Pete Jones
Head of Marketing Build

Jobtex is allowing us to go through a large number of candidates with internal limited resources. We are able to do a first screening of candidates so much easier than if we had to meet everyone. We can truly identify and assess a talent pool more efficiently and have our talent ready to start in their new role faster.

Pete Jones
Head of Marketing Build

Jobtex is allowing us to go through a large number of candidates with internal limited resources. We are able to do a first screening of candidates so much easier than if we had to meet everyone. We can truly identify and assess a talent pool more efficiently and have our talent ready to start in their new role faster.

Pete Jones
Head of Marketing Build

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